A downloadable game

So, no more Hextech Chests in LoL, I decided to create a 'simulator' for something that looks like it.

It's not similar enough to avoid any trouble and the names are ALL different, though, let me know if it's still "similar" enough so that I can change stuff around.

I made this project for fun, so don't expect anything amazing.

The rewards for each open chest are just some images.

I left a .txt file for some credits.

Might work on this project some more or not.

No save game yet (might implement it at some point).

Options Button currently not working. Sorry.

Some images are AI generated! Sorry, again!



HectechXest.zip 332 MB

Install instructions

1. Download;

2. Unzip;

3. Double-click HectechXest;

4. Hopefully you don't encounter any issues. Let me know if you do;

4.1. Enjoy

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